Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hmmmmm BACON !

So I’m reading the news this morning on my Crackberry and a headline catches my eye. “Feral Pig Problem Spreading in U.S.”

And I wonder what’s the problem? You can never get enough bacon or pork chops. Pork chop gravy with mashed potatoes and biscuits has no equal. I’m sorry if you’re Jewish, Islamic, or a vegan, you don’t know what your missing. To each his own I guess, but man, I loves me some pork chops and gravy.
I understand why Jewish people can’t touch it, after all it was forbidden in the Old Testament along with shellfish and a few other things. I don’t know what Mohammad had against a BLT, but whatever.
Vegans however are a different matter, our family has Indian friends that are from an area in India where they don’t eat any animals of any kind and I respect that. They are not meat Nazi’s who try to force their beliefs on the rest of us so it’s not a problem when the Indians and the Indianans break bread together. We always make sure there are plenty of veggies around when our Indian family come to town.
I do however have a problem with the animal rights wacko’s. They have a major flaw in their belief system. To them, we are just another species on this planet and all animals are created equal; we are no better then the lowly feral pigs who are rooting there way across the U.S.A.
I say if we are all equal then they need to have a talk with lions and tigers and bears, Oh my. Come talk to ME when you get all the other carnivores and omnivores to murder plants instead of other animals. Until then stay the hell out of my refrigerator meat drawer!
Back to the story, the feral pig population is exploding and they are very destructive to vegetation and other animals! Yes they are murdering other defenseless rodents and pets.
The population of wild pigs is exploding due to the fact they have no natural predator (other that mankind) and can have a litter of 13 little piggies after they are only 6 months of old.
Further into the story, we find out that some states have given hunter’s the green light to wack these horny little critters and of course the animal rights wacko’s have got their panties in a bunch over this edict. They want the government to come up with a birth control method for our ham packing little buddies. Yeah, no shit that’s the solutions these dumbasses came up with. I say we give these animal lovers a bunch of pig condoms and let them chase down the wild tusk bearing boars and let them install the condoms on their corkscrewed little wieners!
As for me, I agree with what the pigs said in Animal Farm. After all they are the ones who made the rule;



Greybeard said...

Your old neighbor Rick P. and I used to go rabbit hunting together. I did it for the sport and companionship... any rabbits I killed ended up hanging at Rick's waist and he took 'em home and shared 'em with his family. I no longer hunt. The idea of shooting a rabbit or squirrel for food seems ridiculous now... 'way too much trouble for the amount of resulting meat.
And... poor rabbits. They may be a nuisance in some parts, but they're not much threat to humans, are they?

Feral pigs are a different story. You refer to them in your post as "horny little critters". They're small for maybe a year, then get to be about the size of a brown bear. Take another look at the photo heading your post. They come armed, and will kill you if they have the chance.

I think I could learn to enjoy hunting my own bacon. Knowing they'd hurt you given the chance, there's definitely some sport there.
Are they ruining flower beds in Indiana now?

Rita said...

I don't think there have been any sightings of feral pigs in Indiana,, but it there were, they wouldn't be eating any flowers in Mark's yard, his wife only plants plastic ones.

CnC said...

G.B I haven't seen any around here but have read they are becoming a problem in some parts of the state. I haven't been hunting since I sold my place in the woods, but if i see one rooting around JoJo's plastic flowers, I'm loading up the old 12 ga.