Thursday, December 22, 2011


Had to make a trip to downtown Indy today, Jojo had to go to the police station to apply for her lifetime handgun permit. She had told me that she wanted me to take her to Palatino's for lunch. It's kind of an overpriced fancy place that won't sell you a damned hamburger. With that in mind I wore a nice shirt. Halfway though lunch Jojo gives me that look and says "you got your shirt on inside out". I look down at me, sure enough the pocket was missing as was the buttons on the button up collar. There were seams visible on each arm running from the cuffs to the shoulders. I sheepishly put my jacket back on leaving only the outline of the invisible pocket and missing buttons showing.  
I want to know why I was allowed to walk out of the house in this condition? Jojo has been my fashion consultant for many 
years now. How could she have committed such an oversight? She took on the job of telling me that shit doesn't match, of her own volition. How can I trust her to stop me from leaving the house with my underwear on my head now? 


Rita said...

It's PaloMino's, not Palatinos'.

You probably looked just like Barney Frank did the other day.

CnC said...

Whatever it's called, it does not flip my switch

Rita said...

Did Barney's shirt flip your switch? Not that there's anything wrong with that.

CnC said...

i didnt see his shirt what was wrong with it?

Rita said...

You tell me:,r:8,s:20&tx=76&ty=49

Greybeard said...

You're too sexy for that shirt.
What a trendsetter you are!

CnC said...

That's me G.B. haha