Friday, December 30, 2011


Decoy: Hi come in, I just made some frozen lemonade.
Predator: Ok, I had a long ride.
Decoy: Sit down, I'm gonna change and get in the hot tub.
Predator: Ok, cool!
Chris Hansen: Are you enjoying that lemonade?
Predator: Gulp, cough cough, uhhhh yes very good.
Chris: Why don’t you have a seat right over there, what's going on tonight?
Predator: oh you know, just came over to hang out with A'isha.
Chris: and how old is the girl you came all this way to see?
Predator: uhhh errrr 6 I think.
Chris: 6? And you are how old? 50?
Predator: well, I was just uh, you know riding around and A'isha asked me to stop by just to hang out.
Chris: just hang out, you didn't come for sex?
Predator: oh goodness no, I just wanted to warn her about chatting on line, you can't be too careful these days.
Chris: well I just happen to have a copy of your chat log here and it doesn't sound like you came here just to hang out, Mohammed Hot 4 U 72, that's your screen name isn't it?
Lets see, you say "you're so sexy, can I bleep you all over and bleep bleep your bleep? Would you bleep my bleep bleep and let me bleep you in your bleep?"
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: who are you? are you a cop?
Chris: we'll get to that in a minute, you said all this to a 6 year old? And how long of a ride was it up here?
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: 4 hours by camel.
Chris: 4 hours by camel just to hang out with a 6 year old?
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: I was just going to ask her to become one of my wives.
Chris: have you ever done this kind of thing before?
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: oh no, this was first time I ever did any such thing.
Chris: you want to try again? Didn't you marry a 6 year old about 1400 years ago?
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: you don't understand, I am a great prophet, I invented one of the largest religions in the world!
Chris: and in this religion, it's ok to have sex with a child of 6?
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: you got me all wrong, I was just going to marry her, but I was not going to have sex with her until she turns 9, what do you think I am a perv?
Chris: yeah I kinda do.
Chris: what’s in the bag?
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: uhm, Taco Bell, a Gordita for A’isha, she wanted something to eat.
Chris: what’s in the other bag? Looks like some Mike’s Hard Lemonade, did you bring any condoms?

Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: yeah, I have some in my camel, but I always bring some when I travel .

Chris: well there's one more thing I need to tell you, I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC and we're doing a story about on line predators trying to meet children for sex, now if there's anything else you want to tell me, we would love to hear it. If not you’re free to go.
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: am I going to be arrested?
Chris: that's not up to me.
Mohammed Hot 4 U 72: oh holy crap.



No kidding. I used to do volunteer work for "Perverted Justice". The internet company who tracks those perverts. Believe me, it was SICKENING. All I had to do was log in and wait one second. It was hard to keep up with all the requests and keep records at the same time.

My name at the time was LITTLE LOTTA and I was listed as 14 years old.

CnC said...

wow,there are a lot of freaks out there. I was watching a bunch of reruns of To Catch A Predator the other night, I love watching Perverted Justice and Chris Hansen busting these scumbags.

Rita said...

Dang, you had Chris' lines down pat. We watched some of the reruns a couple of days ago. Too bad Dateline isn't taking more of those perverts off the street.

The funny thing is that I was just commenting at Dana's and told her I get her blog confused with yours too many times.

And Dana IS a little Lolita. Better watch out for her big bro.

Dana? Are you serious, did you really volunteer for Perverted Justice? Did you hear about that poor little girl in Fort Wayne. Someone should just shoot that bastard and save the taxpayer's money.

That is AFTER he's tortured Sylvia Lykins style.

CnC said...

Beau's Mom? I did not know that, cool Hi Dana!

CnC said...

Whats your blog Dana?

Rita said...

Here she is. She's a (former) Hoosier. When I saw her picture of her husband, I was thinking it was you.

CJ said...

I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this show...

There's a part of me that thinks they only make the cop's job more difficult but I can't tell you why I feel that way.

I'm all for getting the perverts off the streets but 'gotcha TV'? Not entirely sure.


CnC said...

They seemed to have things worked out well with the local law enforcement. What killed the show was when one of the pervs was about to be arrested Dateline was at the house and he killed himself. the sister of the perv sued the show. go figure.