Monday, December 5, 2011


Madonna, really?
My hometown Indy has been through a roller coaster of emotions getting a Superbowl held here. Beginning with the bid to host last season's game that went to Dallas, the strike that threatened this season, Peyton Manning's season ending injury and our 0 and 12 record, our excitement has certainly been muted.
So how can we be further injured?
Yeah, Madonna as the halftime show.
This is going to make last years halftime show, The Black Eyed Peas, seem like a Beatle’s reunion.
There has been talk for months that it was between Madonna and Lady Gaga.  I guess Madonna out skanked her, that took some doing. Now how will Madonna prove her worthiness of being top skank on the block?
Might I suggest she put on a donkey show at halftime? She’s done everything else and it would set the skank bar so high that it would take Lady Gaga, Brittany Spears, Lindsey Lohan and Kim Kardasian days to catch up.
I really don't think Madonna could raise any moral objections, she's done everything else.

Now of course I'm being facetious suggesting Madonna do a donkey show on live television.
I don't thing I could bear the thought of a poor innocent donkey having to go through that.


Rita said...

They did an unofficial survey this afternoon on the circle. Posted a sign, "Honk if you like Madonna for the halftime show." No one honked.

Then they changed it to "Honk if you don't want Madonna for the halftime show." The horns were blaring.

CnC said...

what the hell are they thinking getting her?

CJ said...

My question?

Why do they need a dog and pony show in the middle of the Superbowl in the first place?

When did it quit being about the game and start being about the halftime show and the commercials?


CnC said...

cj, thats a good question. im trying to remember when that started to change, cant think that far back.

Rita said...

I've watched the Super Bowl long before I even cared anything about football, but it was only for the commercials.

It was even more fun when Indy became a contender and then actually won.

Never watched the halftime show. I don't believe whoever books these acts actually know anything about how to entertain a halftime crowd.