Sunday, February 19, 2012


Some funny moments I have seen in years past popped into my cobwebbed memory the other day and I thought I should put them down on electronic paper while I still have some of my faculties left.

As usual, the blog got too wordy so I chopped it up into 6 segments. Most of these things happened before we all started carrying cameras in our phones so these events just exist in my rapidly diminishing mind. Don't know if you will get a chuckle out of any of these little snippets.
It's probably one of those things where you just had to be there.

Number 5. didn't make the cut, so I will finish up this waste of time with this.

You Shoulda Saw His Little Dinghy:

I saved my favorite for last, Rita will probably even remember this one. We were just kids so were talking mid-60's maybe. We were at some lake in southern Indiana having a cookout.
A man and his young son pulled up to the ramp with a tiny sailboat on top of his station wagon. We watched him struggle trying to get the boat down and it finally came down with a thud producing a nice dent on his hood.
Now there were more people watching this unfolding spectacle.

Now this was a big man and by that I mean he had a stomach that looked to be about the same size as the hull of his little sailboat. Hmmm, how is this going to work?
The big-bellied man and the little boy, who looked like he had been spared his father's genetics finally dragged the boat to the dock. Now given the size of the little sailboat and the size of the little boy it would have been safe to assume the little boy was going to take the maiden voyage, that didn’t happen. I guess the plan was for the dad to take the maiden voyage, get his sea legs and trim the sails, circle around and pick up the little boy and sail off into the sunset.

Now there were many more people watching this with wonderment. The dad takes off the XXXXL shirt exposing his huge investment of beer and pizza and climbs aboard.
The boat and the dock separated and in short order the man and boat separated. I have to give the guy credit, he hung in there, grasping at the capsized boat and trying to get back in belly first.
People were not just watching, now they were laughing a little, He yelled to the crowd " I don't need an audience!", oh yes you do! thought the audience.

He managed to insert his belly in the hull and it was a perfect fit add a little water for a good seal and you have a very fat man with his belly stuck in the hull of a tiny boat. Now he had a problem, he had floated away from the dock and he couldn't extract his gut from the boat and now he had attracted a huge crowd on the shore.
His son bravely jumped into the water clothes shoes and all to assist his floundering father. Finally with what sounded like a loud reverse fart his belly was freed.

Now it was pandemonium on the shore and the spectators were roaring with laughter, my dad was red-faced and not breathing and on the verge of stroking out he was laughing so hard, us kids thought this was better than The Three Stooges
My Aunt Rita got a before and after picture with her Polaroid.
The would be sailor tried a few more times to right his ship, but the Titanic had a better chance then this boat.
Finally ego bruised and big belly battered and red he gave up his dreams of a sea going adventure. He took his boat out of the water and was preparing to leave. My aunt actually gave him the pictures. I'm sure that made the family photo album.
I wish she had kept them, it would be fun to include them here. Video would have been much better.

I would have put any of these little memories on Youtube, the man and his dinghy may have even went viral, but those were the days before everyone had a video camera in their pocket. Those were the days even before the big clunky two-piece video cameras.
Maybe if Steve Jobs hadn't left this planet so soon he would have developed a device to pull those memories from our brain to be downloaded on something called the Imind.
I don't think I will ever see that day so I will have to be satisfied watching these  memories on my YouTube of the mind

1 comment:

CnC said...

Rita, Bob forgot your chili last night. come by and pick it up, I will save you some.