Monday, September 19, 2011


One mans first Amendment is another mans hate speech.

When is hate speech called a passionate speech?

When is giving a passionate speech called hate speech?

When does this person call for civility?

When these people are making a good point.



When does Obama forget all about civility?
When these people are calling for the demise of true Americans, the kind of people who built this country.

If you want to live in a socialist shit hole country there are plenty of them out there, I'm sure you would be more use to them then you ever would be to US!

Don't let the door hit you on the ass!


CJ said...

Very nice post. Good questions, ones that should be easily answered. Too bad the man in the White House is incapable of doing so.


CnC said...

Right CJ, the presidential seal should be replaced by a big question mark.