Sunday, September 25, 2011


When I lived in Camby I found the best place in Central Indiana to buy meat. A little grocery store in Mooresville about a 5 min. drive from where I used to live.  Now that I live in S. E. Indy I have to go back across town to that market every few months and buy in bulk.
I usually get 20 lbs of ground chuck in 1 lbs packages for the freezer and I get another 10 to 20 lbs of bulk to make patties and wrap individually for a quick trip to the grill. It's a great system, just grab a couple, defrost in the micro then just plop em on the grill.
Last year Jojo bought me this really handy patty maker. I used to use my digital refrigeration scales to weigh out each handful of cow to make my patties equal, now I just fill up each side of the container and just smoosh em down with the top. I lay plastic on the bottom and top of the container before I smoosh it. It works great!
When I do my meat prep I mentally go through the whole meateater/vegan argument. I also think of the old days of helping a buddy's dad butchering cows when I was a teen. I did a blog about Auggie  awhile back.
I love meat; I like many other species on this planet am an omnivore. Kinda like a bear except I don't like fish, well I like White Castle’s fish samiches.
The animal rights wackos need to talk to the lions and tigers and bears before they blow me any shit.
On the other hand and on the other side of the planet we have some wonderful friends (more like family) who as a matter of their religion and tradition are vegetarian.
They don't judge us when we eat together for my carnivorous ways. I respect people like that, I do not respect the animal rights wackos in this country. They are a bunch of pretentious assholes who just want to pat themselves on the back and try to feel like they are important.
These people need to be more tolerant and accepting of others, isn't that what the left is always preaching?
I will make a deal with them.
If they will get off my back for eating baby backs.  I will suffer in silence and not say a word while they slaughter innocent lettuce, tomatoes and carrots to make their salad. I will look the other way and forgive their murderous ways in the killing fields of their gardens even though they all have chlorophyll on their hands of the helpless and the rooted. These poor veggies can't even get up and run away from their tormenters. And sometimes they even eat the veggies while they are still babies! Can you imagine what it's like to be a mommy and daddy carrot and see your baby plucked out of the ground and carted off to the chopping block? The horror!

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