Monday, August 13, 2012


He Said She Said

At least that is what was on the bumper sticker I saw years ago. When I read it I though to myself "no shit Sherlock". Of course the intent of that bumper sticker was to infer that all the family value groups were evil hateful people because they hold traditional values. 

The words racism and hate are two words whose meaning have been perverted over the years. The left uses these words as a weapon in an attempt to demonize those they disagree with into submission. In many cases it works. No one wants to be considered a racist or hateful or part of a hate-group. 

You want to know what a real hate group looks like?      
Try the Westboro Church that protest at the burial sights of our fallen heroes. Listen to cult leader Louis Farrkahn and his minions of the Black Muslims. How about the Obama protected New Black Party members who have cart blonch to practice voter intimidation. Or Obama's friend and adviser and former pastor the so-called Reverend Wright and his cult. Neo-Nazi Party, KKK, all the White Supremacist groups. 
Those are hate groups! Do you really want to dilute the evilness of those groups by lumping the in with organizations who only want to hold on to a tiny piece of what they believe in the only thing they have left of a traditional family value?
Christians have been abused by the left and gay groups for years. Churches have been attacked, services interrupted and in general people who hold onto even a tiny slice of family values are fair game for abuse. 

With all that said here is my 2 cents. 
Last Wednesday I had a chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A. Does that make me a homophobe? Does that make me a hateful bigot?

If any of my friends or family "came out", it would not affect my relationship or my affection for that person. Would I celebrate that revelation? No, but I would still want them to feel comfortable around me, my kids and my grandkids. I would want to maintain that relationship as before. 
Do I believe it is sin? Yes I do and so is being a drunkard and a fornicator and I've done my share of both. The bible list these things along with a whole host of other fun stuff as sinful and as far as I know we haven't gotten any new memos saying different. 
I have heard many gay churches and groups even try to promote the idea that Jesus was gay. They point to the fact that Jesus didn't come out and specifically preach against it. 
Well Jesus was never quoted preaching against beastiality either, does that mean he was cool with dating your (fill in your favorite pet).
But their main source for this theory is the verse 13:23 from the Book of John which says "Now the was one leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved". 
In the original Greek there are many words used for love depending of the kind of love your talking about. The Greek word "Eros", is the word used in the bible to describe a romantic or sexual love. The word used in John 13:23 was "agape/agapoa" which is a platonic love of God for humans or humans love for God.

Having said all that, it probably is obvious that I do not support same sex marriage. Does that mean I hate gays? Am I a hate group of one?
The company I work for requires me to "Value Diversity", not just accept it, not just tolerate it, I must "Value" it. 
I always held the view that we were all Americans, we are all equal, we are all the same regardless of race creed or color. 
The left want us divided up and Balkanized. 
I don't hate gays, I don't pretend to understand that lifestyle, but I don't think anyone has the right bully, harass, or harm them. 
And I don't believe the left has any right to bully, harass or harm people who express my viewpoint on the matter. 

Take this thing to its logical conclusion. If the federal government mandates that states must allow same sex marriage, then what if a an adult wants to marry his dog, or his goat, or his big screen TV?
If you allow that, don't you dilute the entire idea of what a marriage is? Doesn't it make a mockery of that institution? 
On the other hand what if the left, or gays say no we can't have that, we have to draw the line somewhere. Doesn't that make them hypocrites? Wouldn't they become the hate group that they love to hate?

Of course if I become an Islamic, then "I KILL YOU!"

As a survivor of 2 divorces, I am only looking out for your best interest.
Your better off staying single.
You'll thank me later.

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Rita said...

Interesting that we both used the asshat Westboro idiots.

I saw them once when Bob and I stayed all night downtown several years back. They carried signs saying Mathew Shepard was burning in hell.

It took every ounce of energy for me not to go scream at them how vile they were. It sickened me that they would make some people believe they are actually Christian.

I saw them again down in French Lick, of all places. A dozen people, probably bitching about the casino going in. I thought about pitching my Coke drink out the window at them.

Nasty people. Certainly more nasty than every single gay person I know.

CnC said...

They call themselves Baptists, but I never refer to those assholes as Baptists, just like I dont refer to that asshole Wright as a Reverend. he is a fraud just like his lapdog obama is

Ed Bonderenka said...

CNC: My brother!

As for Westboro.
They are not Baptists (nor am I).
They are the most despicable of all creatures.
They are lawyers.
They are in it for the money, and the lawsuits. It's documented.

CnC said...

You are right Ed, they are not even a church as I called them.