Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Said Tony Soprano. 
Of course he was referring to the old saying, "revenge is a dish best served cold". It's a philosophy I just happen to agree with. Not that I am one who lives for revenge, but sometimes in life you cross paths with some asshole who commits acts so egregious that some sort of payback is warranted. 
That's why I am returning to court next month for what I hope is the final preceding dealing with former renters who stole thousands of dollars from us. These lying thieves have been doing this to their last several landlords and creditors. They deserve and need a healthy dose of payback.
But the object of my "payback is a bitch" today however is a friggin seagull. If you read yesterday's post you will recall the attack of the seagulls on my lunch meat samich. 
Well when I got on the beach this morning there was one of those little sombitches enjoying an apple core at the edge of the water. I assumed it was the same bird who chomped my lunchmeat samich yesterday so I kept harassing his little ass until he gave up and flew away. 
I grinned and thought to myself, maybe Tony had it right. 
Revenge IS like serving cold-cuts !


Joe said...

fucking seagulls

CnC said...

Ha yesterday they nailed some old lady next to us and got her samich. Sombitches !