Tuesday, January 17, 2012


That bumper sticker I saw on some dork’s car years ago, (HATE IS NOT A FAMILY VALUE) on the surface seems like a logical thought.
But the message can best be deciphered by focusing on the word "hate".
Hate is a buzzword used by the left to describe anyone or any idea that does not conform to leftist bizarre worldview.
The "HATE IS NOT A FAMILY VALUE", moniker is a slam against anyone that stands for family values.
Groups like the Moral Majority and Focus On The Family and lately The Tea Party have been the victims of some of the most horrendous, disgusting attacks by the left for trying to hold on to the last vestiges of decency in our nation. The god of the left, Soul Alinsky taught them well. "Pick your target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Alinsky's "thirteenth rule" demonizing your opponent has been utilized by the left ad nauseum.
The reason they do it is because it works on a certain people who use emotion instead of logic as their source of reasoning. If you oppose gay marriage then you are guilty of hating gays. If you think abortion is wrong then you must hate women. If you think skin color should not be a determining factor in getting a job or getting into a college, then you must hate blacks. The list goes on and on. So far I haven't shed any new light on this subject and odds are I won't. I guess this is just one of those "rumbles from the vent", which is why I write this crap.
The reason this lump of lava convected its way to the opening of the vent is because of something I saw on Facebook. Someone linked to a story about a young Girl Scout. She was trying to organize an effort to stop a boy from joining the Girl Scouts. According to the 7-year-old boys mother "he has always felt like he was a girl". Yeah that's right, even the transgender's mother can't keep the kids gender straight. The kid is seven! How the hell would a 7 year old know if he should have a pee pee or a wee wee? I think maybe the mother has some issues and probably wanted a girl and got a boy instead.
What brought my attention to this deal was the person who linked to this on FB was calling the Girl Scout who was trying to stop this, a "bitch" or more precisely a "bitch in training".
No this person is not one of my friends, quite the opposite.
The person who posted those comments has some serious issues herself and is always trashing people who are trying to hold on to a token of morality.
This person has no qualms about "stealing money from lenders and landlords, lying her ass off, i.e. "I mailed the check", but she takes her version of the moral high ground on every deviant lifestyle there is.
Can't afford to pay the rent, but they can afford a new Harley and all the poser costumes that goes with it.
Now they live in a shit hole neighborhood surrounded by people on the sex offender registry. Wow, talk about priorities. I oppose gay marriage, I don't hate them, but that is how the left would label me; just like my support of the Tea Party gets me labeled a hateful racist. These Alinskyists have worn out the 13th rule, it's played out.
That's why this country is polluted with people like the women on FB who called a young Girl Scout a "bitch in training".
All I have to say about that woman is,
I guess some people don't need the training.


Ed Bonderenka said...

See! You do have a brain!

CnC said...

haha thanks Ed !