Saturday, November 26, 2011


1. Take one warm homemade yeast roll and slice it in half
2. Take a warm juicy slab of turkey a little larger then your roll
3. Slather a healthy portion of Miracle Whip on both sides of the roll
4. Plop the slab of turkey on the bottom of the roll which has now been transformed into a small bun
5. Put the top of the bun on
6.Now the finishing touch, butter the top of the warm bun
7. Enjoy!
Caution! You will need to repeat steps 1 through 7 several times until you start to feel sleepy.


Rita said...

This is why you will never become a star on the Food Network.

Is the turkey hot or cold?

Not that it matters much to me as I like turkey swimming in giblet gravy.

CnC said...

hot, i thought i made that clear

Rita said...

Only after you edited the original post.