Friday, April 15, 2011


Several weeks ago, I got a form in the mail from work saying they were doing background checks on all the employees. I was real uncomfortable filling out the form asking for my first, middle and last name.
They wanted my SSN, date of birth, past residences, and spouses name.
Reluctantly I faxed the form back to the H.R. rep as did all the other employees that wanted to keep their jobs.
I checked the box indicating I wanted a copy of the report as well. I got the report back yesterday and tried to decipher the information in the 6 pages. One thing that raised a red flag, these dumbasses couldn’t even get my name right. The middle name was completely wrong and a former residence was a place my x-wife and kids lived, but I never lived there. Boy some investigator my company hired, I put the report aside and made a note to call H.R. in the morning to voice my concerns.
Last night during my usual BNO (boys night out), I get a call from my brother. He works for the same company I do and has been there almost 38 years.
He said guess what? Ok what? I’m on suspension from work,
Whaattt? He tells me his background check came back that he was a felon. Not only that, but he was a sex offender and was in trouble for not registering in a timely manner for the sex offender list.
I laughed, no shit, I told him about my report being screwed up, but at least they didn’t have me down as a perv. My brother has never seen the inside of a jail cell and you would have to ask someone else if he is sexually offensive. The report matched him as a sex offender with a different middle name and date of birth. Wow this is some investigation company.
I left a message with H.R. about the error on my report and said something about my brother getting suspended.
She responded in an email how embarrassed she was, she knew the report on my bro was bullshit, but we work for a huge corporation that has lost touched with the real world a long time ago. Well my bro is taking it all in stride and enjoying his little mini vacation.
I started doing some research on the USIS and I have found a lot of negative info about this company.
This place is a mess and I found lots of examples where this company gave false reports on several people applying for new jobs and due to the false reports they were turned down for the job.
What would have happened if my brother hadn’t been employed already for 38 years, but applying for a new job? They would have just thrown his application in the trash and he would never have known why.

The scary thing I found out about the company is they do a lot of background checks for the military and government security clearances.
Me and my brother both had erroneous reports and we are only 2 employees out of several thousand in our company. What are the odds of that?
What are the odds that this investigation service screws up the other way and misses records that they should be catching? The math is starting to scare the hell out of me.


CJ said...

Good grief.

As if I don't have enough to worry about!

I hope your brother gets things straightened out as soon as he wants them that way.


CnC said...

If I was him I would want to sue those SOB,s

Rita said...

This story is just unbelievable. If this was me, I'd be letting my attorney make the call to my company and FAST. Someone should pay for that kind of incompetence.

And I can't believe yours was only 6pages, Heck, I could have given them 15 pages on you.

CnC said...

yeah no kiddin, i was hurt that I wasnt accused of something like that haha