Monday, April 18, 2011


The annual battle for control of the lawn has officially began as of this morning. The leader of the rebel uprising, the Dandelions know that the ruling junta has grown weak over the past year.

The driveway tipped them off as to his weakened position; their intel was gathered over the winter season. Not once did the ruling party even attempt to get the snow blower out to do battle against the snow. He never even got it out of the shed! The first attack of the winter season by the snow, saw foreign mercenaries being used by the ruling party to battle with armor and blade. The self proclaimed ruler-for-life, whose ruthless reign began 6 years ago was seen sheepishly walking out to the mercenary and handing them cash money for doing his dirty work. Frost-money delivered with his good arm, his other arm was bound to his side with sling all winter long.

This spring the Dandelions, leader of the Weed rebellion has had free reign of the lawn surrounding the capital until this morning. “Beloved Leader”, appeared without warning on the lawn this morning attempting to undo rebel gains, his arms were free, but he walked funny and moved his head like Frankenstein. A mere shadow of his former self who has ruled the lawn and driveway with ruthless abandon for the last several years.

“Beloved Leader” assumed his position in a power vacuum 6 years ago. Before his reign began the weeds ruled freely as the Capital had been abandoned for a period of years. “Beloved Leader” took control of the Capital in a Chlorophyll-less coup and moved into the presidential palace and since that time he has ruled the land with an iron fist, until now.

His counterattack seemed like a feeble attempt to intimidate the entire lawn as he used chemical weapons indiscriminately on weeds and innocent grass alike.
The attack lasted only a few short minutes as “Beloved Leader” was seen hobbling back to his presidential palace.

The rebel forces took hope from this feeble attack, however that optimism was short lived when a Chemlawn truck was seen in the area and rumors spread that the embattled leader was in talks with this powerful mercenary.


Rita said...

Not only that, but they are laughing at you too.

CnC said...

I had em on the run for a little bit!

CJ said...

They're a tough foe, that's for sure.

I actually envy you - my yard is once again white, with a possible 4 - 6 inches heading this way on Wednesday.

I surely wouldn't complain about a dandelion right now.


CnC said...

you got me there cj, the older I get the less I want to deal with that stuff!