Thursday, May 1, 2014


Looks like the Obama Adminstration is doubling down on the Benghazi coverup. How would I describe Jay Carney defending the undefendble position of the White House coverup?

Gonna need the thesaurus on this one, I will start with the word incredulous and see what words they come up with, hold on a minute I'll be right back.........

Synonyms for incredulous:
Doubtful, hesitant, quizzical, skeptical, suspicious, unconvinced, unsatisfied, disbelieving, distrustful, doubting, dubious, mistrustful, questioning, show-me, suspect, uncertain, wary.

I dunno, none of these words seem adequate to describe this dog and pony show designed to sway voters.
And the amazing thing is it wasn't even a Fox White House corespondent that took Jay Carney to task, it was ABC, one of Obama's usual lap dogs that hammered home the points that it took a court ordered FOIA to get the Benghazi talking points prepared by Obamas White House for Susan Rice released.
Think about all the coverups perpetrated by this Adminstration and the coverups committed by both the Clinton's during, before and after that Adminstration. 
Soooo, what was all this hubbub about Watergate?

 We need to did up the body of Richard Nixon and apologize to his corpse.


Kid said...

Agreed in triplicate.

Why did it take me this long to get here? Sorry, don't know. Corrected though.

CnC said...

Thanks Kid.

Joe said...

Carney is a parody o himself. The Obama version of Baghdad Bob

CnC said...

It was funny to see him going back and forth with Jon Karl of ABC,mother the next day it was with Fox's Ed Henry. Of course he jumped all over him and Fox News.