Friday, April 4, 2014

STONE, MARBLE AND METAL (foreskin and seven years ago)

Renee off to the seminar and me and Renee's son set off the 1/2 mile walk to the DC Metro terminal at DuPont Circle.
I don't have much experience with hopping subways, the last one I was on was in Rome and I needed the guidance of the experienced travelers I was traveling with and the stiff hand of baby sister to save me from the damn Gypsies.
 Down in the Red line tunnel I instantly thought of Frank Underwood shoving Zoe Barnes in front of the approaching subway on the House Of Cards. As I watch the train flying up to the platform I wondered why more people aren't killed on these tracks.
I get some advice and ride the Red line to Metro Center, then jump to the Blue line to L'Enfant Plaza Station; this is the closest stop to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. 

Air and space, what's not to like there. I love everything to do with air travel, hell I even like airports. I was awed by the sight of the Wright brothers first successful powered airplane the Flyer on display. We took in every display but I stopped a while and let my mind wander just a bit while standing before the mock up of the LEM.
Lunar Excursion Module, the ingenius spacecraft that landed on the moon. I think about a bunch of engineers with cigarettes and slide-rules sitting around trying to figure out how the hell they were going to get astronauts to the moon and back, alive!

Working with the most rudimentary technology they reached a goal that seemed impossible when JFK announced his vision for NASA. 
The LEM on display was just a mock up of course, just a few feet away was the only part of that of the 6,200,000 lbs of the Saturn V rocket that returned to Earth, that was the re-entry capsule. And there it was, right here in front of me, the only part of Apollo 11 on Earth!

After taking in and processing all of this, I shook my head at what NASA used to stand for and the empty "social justice" shell it has become under Obama.
Russia is our enemy and we can't even get up to the ISS without scraping and bowing to Putin so we can hitch a ride into space.
NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, that's what the acronym is supposed to represent!
What Charles Bolden who runs the agency now is concerned with "foremost, to improve relations with the Muslim world." Uhh, hmmmm really? Did you read the job description before you took the job? Who was the idiot that hired you? Oh yeah, him! I think he failed to read his job description too.
NASA is also trying to make busy work by promoting the Global Warming (sorry I mean Climate Change) propaganda. 
Thinking about all that I instantly went from a great feeling of pride to feeling shame and embarrassment.
What Obama and Bolden have done to NASA is brought total humiliation to the program and the sacrifices made by our courageous astronauts.

Moving along, I had one last section of this museum to explore, The Planets and Our Solar System! Me and Renee's son are walking around this display and I noticed some guy and a young kid, the way he is explaining each display to this kid and the way he was dressed it was like some physicist stepped out of the the old school NASA control room.
I stalked the two for a bit taking in what the guy was saying, the guy was obviously brilliant.
Maybe he could take over NASA.

Moving on from brilliance to bullshit we walk toward the Capital Building.
I had seen on the map that the Supreme Court building was just behind the Capital and I wanted to see both. I remembered the Pro-life people and the Pro abortionists had been demonstrating in front of the Supremes just days before. I wanted to see if they were still there, I just wanted to see a real life Washington DC demonstration.
Before I even got the the Capitol however, I saw what looked like a small demonstration taking place on the Mall side of the Capital Building, cool!
As I closed in on the action, I squinted my aging eyes trying to make out what all the ruckus was about.
What could it be? abortion?  Obamacare? Benghazi? IRS scandal? Fast and Furious? NSA?

As I approached I could begin to make out the large letters of a banner, it was a long word, it started with a "C".
Oh I know! Constitution! Sure that's gotta be it, some red blooded Americans are demonstrating in support of the Constitution of The United States!
Lord knows we need it with a self-appointed emperor in the White House.
Wow, that makes me proud to be an American, maybe I can join in this demonstration and help hoist that banner in the air that says "Cir", wait a minute, that's not right.
That's not how you spell Constituuu.... huh? As I got closer I could finally make out the large block letters of "Circumcision", oh no, you gotta be kidding me, these jackasses were here to outlaw circumcision. They weren't here to save the Constitution, they were here to save foreskin!
Some of the women were wearing white pants with red paint on the crotch.

You have got to be kidding me, the world is going to shit and these people are only concerned with passing a law so every guys junk will look like an aardvark snout.
Geez it takes all kinds, I walked up the the first guy who was holding the big CIRCUMCISION sign, I was just shaking my head and chuckling and he waved me closer and we had a cordial and interesting conversation. I told him I thought the whole thing was ridiculous but we talked for a spell and I enjoyed the interaction with the lunatic. I walked a little further and talked to some of the women holding signs. One walked out to me and engaged me one on one. She was very pleasant even when I told her I thought an uncut unit was not a good look. She promptly produced a picture of a side by side comparison of both choices and tried to drag me into answering which one looked the cutest.
I thought about telling her I have seen enough dicks in Washington but discretion being the better part of valor, I moved on.


Ed Bonderenka said...

You were on drugs, right?

Rita said...

Someone needed to take that woman aside and tell her she hadn't realized her little monthly visitor had arrived.

Didn't she realize that's what it looked like?

Joe said...

Like the new digs.

I would bet the chicks demanding an end of circumcision were demonstrating a few weeks ago that the government should stay "out of their bodies".

CnC said...

@Ed I'm always on drugs! @Rita I couldn't believe the women chose to make their point like that, the next night we went for a drive and a group of men and women were in front of the White House wearing paints like that.
@Joe, thanks still trying to tweak it a bit, having trouble getting the Blogger app to cooperate. Yeah I sure they just needed some subject to vent about. I will say one thing about these people, at least the few I talked to, they were not hateful and ugly like the pro abortion demonstrators are. I actually got a kick out of the little debate we had. I just never knew there were people wh felt so strongly about the whole cut uncut thing.