Sunday, July 24, 2011


 Monday, my birthday, will see me transitioning back to being a full-fledged technician. After over a year and a half and 4 surgeries and a shitload of physical therapy this beaten and battered 56-year-old goat will head into the home stretch of his adult working life.
I'm actually looking forward to it, there are still a ton of problems with our routing system, but they have dropped me out of the two most difficult divisions. I won't be doing HVAC or refrigeration anymore; I will be doing water treatment and that suits me just fine. Another nice touch is the schedule, no more working every third Saturday. That leaves the weekends free for me and Jojo to spend at the lake, hard to bitch about that.
After hearing my brother talk about all the new refrigerator nightmare repair headaches, I don't think I will miss working on them too much.
People who drop 25 hundred bucks on a fridge that is a piece of crap and cost a fortune to repair are not the nicest people to be around and its hard to blame them. After all I am the one who designed it, then manufactured it, then put a gun to their head and made them buy it, then snuck into their house and broke it, then I determined the price of the parts and labor and got to keep all the money.
On the other end of the spectrum you get to meet some really interesting people at times.

One thing I will miss, Frosty Friday's with my little buddy Gavin.
We have been watching him since he was 4 weeks old, we watch him for free because is the son of a dear friend of the family and we love him like he is blood. That kid loves sharing my Frosty with me. The other big thing I will miss is not being there during the day when Jojo starts watching our grandson Trenton. I can't spend enough time with that little fella.
Hopefully I will get some calls close to home and I can stop in for a 15 minute visit or a lunch break and see Gavin and Trenton. Hmmm I wonder if Trent would like sharing a Frosty with papaw?


Rita said...

Happy Birthday BIG Brother. Take it easy out there, remember you're not as young as you used to be and you'll NEVER be as young as me!!!

Love you.

CnC said...

thanks Ree, love you too,

CJ said...

Give him a little time and I'm sure he'll love sharing a Frosty with you! Take it easy when you go back.


CnC said...

I have been taking it slow and easy CJ, thats my only speed these days.