Monday, July 11, 2011


The bitch got away with murder. That was the text I got from my daughter at 2:16 PM last Tuesday. I was at the physical therapists and had asked Nicole to text me the results of the Casey Anthony trial. I knew it would be a slam-dunk for 1st degree murder or at the very least 2nd degree.
When I read that text I felt like I got O.J.ed. Working only half days since my last surgery, I had been able to follow much of the trial. Due to the extreme decomposition there was not a lot of physical evidence; there was however an abundance of circumstantial evidence. There was much more than they had during the Scott Peterson trial and he is now on death row.
I'm not a lawyer and I don't even play one on TV, but I do know that in many cases circumstantial evidence is more powerful to a thinking jury than direct evidence.
Many convictions are obtained even without a body. Well they had much more than a body in this case and the slanderous defense should have done nothing more but invoke the ire of the twelve.
I guess the prosecution should have talked down to the jury and explained that this was real life, not CSI Miami. It was what the prosecution referred to as a "dry bones investigation" which leaves very little to go on as far as toxicology and certain causes of death clues.
Two possible scenarios for accidental death: Casey was using the trunk of her car and chloroform as a babysitter, she partied too hard and accidentally suffocated her little girl.

 The scenario that was offered by the defense: someone left the pool ladder down and Caylee escaped from the house and accidentally drowned.
 If either of these horrible accidents happened, the mother of a child lost in such a tragic manor would be grief stricken beyond imagination. She would be inconsolable and it would be inconceivable that she would go out and enter a hot body contest or get a belle vita tattoo or go about with a business as usual attitude.

I listened as some hack "grieving consultant" hired by the defense tried to explain away Casey's partying like it's 1999 after she killed her daughter. How anybody could have bought that line of bullshit excreted by that expert witness is beyond explanation.
These so called "expert witnesses" hired by the defense to muddy the waters and create confusion use junk science that would make Al Gore proud. My opinion of their profession can be summed up by some of the most accurate and profound lyrics ever recorded. Don Henley said it best in his song In The Garden Of Allah.
My thoughts about the "expert witnesses" and the reports of the defense team popping Champaign corks and high fives all around after this travesty of justice brought this verse to mind.

The devil speaks:
""Today I made and appearance downtown
I am an expert witness, because I say I am
And I said, 'Gentleman....and I use that word loosely...I will testify for you
I'm a gun for hire, I'm a saint, I'm a liar
Because there are no facts,there is no truth,just data to be manipulated
I can get you any result you like....what's it worth to ya?
Because there is no wrong, there is no right
And I sleep very well at night
No shame, no solution
No remorse, no retribution
Just people selling t-shirts
just opportunity to participate in this pathetic little circus
And winning, winning, winning' "



Whether dead or alive, when you can't find your baby, you move heaven, hell, and god help anyone who gets in your way.

Under either circumstance, she showed her lack of interest in her own child and through the interrogation by the police she showed what she's made of.

They say "just because she's a liar doesn't make her a murderer."

Right. But being a murderer sure made her a bigger liar.

The proof was in videos, photos and sound bites.

"Reasonable Doubt" does not mean to lose your common sense.

I wouldn't doubt if she's already been released and is living on the tenth floor of Donald Trumps Tower.

At the very least - in her lawyer's bedroom.

CnC said...

B. Mom
you said it all. The whole thing is sickening when a murderer walks away free. She says she wants to have another baby, I hope God terminates here time here on Earth before she gets a chance to kill another innocent child.