Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I really can't understand how people who are in the public eye can say something that is so incendiary that they just hand to their enemies a ball bat and turn their back to them.
Rush Limbaugh was of course just trying to make a point about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke when he called her a slut.
First of all he should realize he is not a liberal and can't get away with making such an insult against a liberal women.
He is not Bill Maher who was able to get away with calling Sarah Palin a dumb twat and a (the "C" word, a word that will instantly cause women to have a cat fight if one calls the other one that).
It's fine with the leftist media if Maher calls a conservative women something horrendous, but Rush should have known that by saying that word,  he would take the focus off the stupidity of having this professional feminist testifying at this hearing in the first place.

This activist is probably not a slut. She is a 30-year-old law student with a degree in women's studies, women's studies? gawd don't get me started on that, that's a whole other post.
She went to Georgetown with the express purpose of stirring up the contraceptive debate at a Catholic university.
Her attack on religious freedom is so ludicrous when you consider what she was pissing and moaning about at this Obamacare debate.
She was demanding that Georgetown's health insurance give her free contraceptives.
Am I missing something ? Isn't that what Planned Parenthood says they are all about?
I would imagine Ms. Fluke is about as far from a slut as you can get, I see her as some frigid man-hating feminist that has been successfully indoctrinated by the propaganda machine that has infected most colleges in this country.
No, I have never attended any college, but I don't have to jump down an outhouse to know it smells like shit.

In closing I want to restate my position that Rush needs to apologize for what he said.
He has already stated publicly that he was sorry he called Ms. Fluke a slut.

I think he missed the mark though, he should have apologized to the sluts!


Rita said...

He fell right into the liberals plans and helped them change the dialog from freedom of religion to women's rights. It was an incredibly stupid move and I'm po'd that he gave them fuel to their fire.

It's not about contraception, it's about FREEDOM OF RELIGION. The conservatives are doing an absolutely horrible job at stating the obvious and at this point, I'd say Rush is a paid shill to prove the liberal's point.

They have now proven that there are drugstores within walking distance of Georgetown which charge $9 a month for birth control and like you said, they could go visit the Planned Abortion Non-Parenthood office and get anything they want for free.

Instead Rush just helped put a nail on the coffin of the Catholic Church's ability to have a religious objection to what Obamacare is forcing down their throats.

Rush needs to shut his trap and let the Bishops do the talking now.

Breitbart could have pulled out the goods on this Flake Fraud.

But you're right, he insulted the sluts. At least they are what they seem to be, not like this atheist law scum.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Most sluts are not a threat to this country the way tools like Fluke are.

Z said...

TERRIFIC rant! I hope you go see DaBlade's hilarious post (through my blog, you'll see the link...I promise you'll love that one, too)

Ed's remark about sluts being less a threat to AMerica than Fluke is is also simple perfect!

Imagine a young single woman going to the senate on television and whining about her birth control.
You're right about why she went to that school, probably...and then she says that she and other girlfriends wouldn't have gone there if they knew they couldn't get others to pay for their birth control. AS IF

CnC said...

I just did Z thanks, that was great !!!!