I pull up to the gas pump, get out of the Jimmy and begin the painful process of converting debit into propulsion.
I watch as the digits representing tenths of gallons click by at their normal rate while the digits that represent dollars being sucked out of my account zoom by with the speed and dexterity
of bullshit flying out of the mouth of the Socialist-in-Cheif.
I watch as the digits representing tenths of gallons click by at their normal rate while the digits that represent dollars being sucked out of my account zoom by with the speed and dexterity
of bullshit flying out of the mouth of the Socialist-in-Cheif.
I start muttering a string of obscenities with Bozama's image burning in my brain.
His latest campaigning mantra does nothing to quell my anger.
Imagine the audacity of this guy standing in front of his taxpayer supplied campaign podium, spewing this new lie that under his administration oil production is at an 8 year high.
Now to the untrained ear that might sound like maybe Obama is not declaring war on our county's energy needs after all
His latest campaigning mantra does nothing to quell my anger.
Imagine the audacity of this guy standing in front of his taxpayer supplied campaign podium, spewing this new lie that under his administration oil production is at an 8 year high.
Now to the untrained ear that might sound like maybe Obama is not declaring war on our county's energy needs after all
Ahhhh not so fast there Barack Hussain Obama mmmmm mmmm mmmm.
You say " under my administration oil production has increased". By stating it that way you are implying that are responsible for the increase, that you are in support of that increase and you want people like me who are standing in front of the gas pumps getting our bank accounts getting sucked dry to believe you are NOT responsible for high gas prices.
May I respectfully say to you and your henchmen,
B U L L S H I T ! ! !
Did you think no one would notice that the increase is on private land, not government land.
And the approvals for drilling were done before you took office, did you think you were going to slip that one by us?
What about the fast one you tried to pull by not mentioning that production of oil and natural gas has decreased in the fiscal year of 2011?
Do you really think this attempted sub-diffusion would make us forget that you are in bed with the radical environmentalist wacho's as much as you are with the union thugs?
The sad truth is your "if you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then blind them with your bullshit" tactic may work with the majority of people that get their information from your propaganda machine otherwise known as the mainstream media.
For the people who rely on the leftist media for their worldview, they will not hear or read a word about you circumventing the constitution by giving the EPA the governing authority meant for the Legislative arm of the government.
It's a real pisser when little things like the constitution gets in his way.
Facts are troublesome things for Obama and the fact is he said nope to the main portion of the Keystone Pipeline.
He said nope to easing regulations for adding refineries which are desperately needed in this country.
He said nope to drilling permits for the most productive sites in the gulf.
Another egregious lie that Obama is spewing, he says that even if we drilled every square inch of this country we would still have only 2, 3, or 4 percent of the worlds oil supply.
This is a common theme with the radical left, they never let facts get in the way.
You say " under my administration oil production has increased". By stating it that way you are implying that are responsible for the increase, that you are in support of that increase and you want people like me who are standing in front of the gas pumps getting our bank accounts getting sucked dry to believe you are NOT responsible for high gas prices.
May I respectfully say to you and your henchmen,
B U L L S H I T ! ! !
Did you think no one would notice that the increase is on private land, not government land.
And the approvals for drilling were done before you took office, did you think you were going to slip that one by us?
What about the fast one you tried to pull by not mentioning that production of oil and natural gas has decreased in the fiscal year of 2011?
Do you really think this attempted sub-diffusion would make us forget that you are in bed with the radical environmentalist wacho's as much as you are with the union thugs?
The sad truth is your "if you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then blind them with your bullshit" tactic may work with the majority of people that get their information from your propaganda machine otherwise known as the mainstream media.
For the people who rely on the leftist media for their worldview, they will not hear or read a word about you circumventing the constitution by giving the EPA the governing authority meant for the Legislative arm of the government.
It's a real pisser when little things like the constitution gets in his way.
Facts are troublesome things for Obama and the fact is he said nope to the main portion of the Keystone Pipeline.
He said nope to easing regulations for adding refineries which are desperately needed in this country.
He said nope to drilling permits for the most productive sites in the gulf.
Another egregious lie that Obama is spewing, he says that even if we drilled every square inch of this country we would still have only 2, 3, or 4 percent of the worlds oil supply.
This is a common theme with the radical left, they never let facts get in the way.
Hey Obama, don't quit your day job, geology is not your thing.
On second thought go ahead and do us all a favor, quit your day job!