Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Good evening, tonight on Dateline NBC we continue with our To Catch A Predator series in Little Rock Arkansas. We had no shortage of potential predators there and a surprising well know politician.
Chris Hanson: Tonight we are in a decoy house in a suburb of Little Rock where our first predator has substantial roots in the community. Screen name "Wildbill-Hiscock 42" has been chatting online with a girl he believed to be 15 years old.
As he enters the door he is met by our decoy, an 18-year-old actress.
Decoy: Hi ! Come on in, I made you some sweet tea and some brownies.
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: hey baby, thanks I love sweet tea.
Decoy: have a seat, I'm just gonna change into my bathing suit so we can get in the hot tub. Did you bring the condoms and wine coolers?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: I got the whole package sweetie pie, uncle Bill is gonna take good care of you.
Chris Hanson: I'll bet you are. Why don't you have a seat right over there. What's going on tonight?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: uhh nothin much, just hanging out.
Chris Hanson: are you enjoying eating that brownie?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: hey mister, I though she was old enough to be a Girl Scout! Oh, you mean this brownie, uh yeah it's great.
Chris: what are you doing here?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: nothing she just wanted me to stop by for a few minutes, were just friends.
Chris: you never chatted online about having sex?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: oh no no no, she just wanted some advice about getting elected class president.
Chris: you sure you didn't discuss coming here to get a bleep bleep?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: I want you to listen to me, I'm bittin my lip, I got my fist clenched with my thumb pointed straight out, I did not have sex chat with that girl, not one time.
Chris: well the only problem with that is,
 I just happen to have a copy of your chat log, Wildbill-Hiscock 42, that is your screen name isn't it?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: well that all depends on what your definition of IS is.
Chris: that doesn't make any sense.
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: exactly!
Chris: you say here in you in your chat, "can you wear a blue dress and let me blank all over it?"

Wildbill-Hiscock 42: who are you? Some member of the vast right-wing conspiracy?
Chris: we'll get to that in a minute.  "do you like cigars"
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: sure do, you got one?
Chris: no I'm reading from your chat log, you asked her that and then you asked her, if she knew what a humidor was.
Mister President, why would you ask a 15 year old something like that?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: haha you said "wood".

Chris: well there's something else you need to know, I'm Chris Hanson with Dateline NBC and we're doing a story about online predators trying to meet kids on line for sex. Now if there is anything else you want to say, we would love to hear it, if not you’re free to go.
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: am I going to be arrested?
Chris: that's not up to me.

Wildbill-Hiscock 42: I want to plead insanity.
Chris: plead insanity? For trying to have sex with a young girl?
Wildbill-Hiscock 42: yeah, I'm just crazy about that stuff Chris, bah ha ha ha ha ha!

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