Friday, November 28, 2014


The Constitution rolled around a cardboard tube hanging in the Oval Office restroom has taken a media hiatus the last week. Some say it was by design. I'm still pissed about it.
Watching the animals shitting in their own mess kit under the lit SEASONS GREETINGS display in Ferguson had me cursing at my TV until the wee hours that night. Watching the carnage and hearing the gunfire, I kept flashing back to The Divider-In-Chief during his news conference doing his best to fill the Molotov Cocktail bottles and fan the flames.

His Coup-de-gras was the line, "and that's understandable".
He said that in reference to his statement about the decision of the Grand Jury will make some people angry. By saying "that's understandable", he was telling the rioters and looters and anarchists, that he was of like mind with them. He was saying it was understandable to be prejudice and ignore the facts, ignore the evidence and especially ignore the law!
It's more than likely that Obama through Valerie Jarred pressured the Governor of Missouri not to offend the rioters and looters and anarchists, by deploying the National Guard. Well the rioters and looters and anarchists, not only were not offended by the no-show of the National Guard, they took full advantage of the show of weakness and had their way with the town of Ferguson.

I naively believed I could off-vent my pissiness about Obama, Black Privilege, Al Charlatan, and people who don't use their turn signals in one post. Not gonna happen. While draining my pen of bitter ink, I was also channel surfing as I am want to do, when I came upon this gem of a movie and intrigued by the title I hit the Info button.

White privilege not withstanding, I feel like kicking the living shit out of someone right now.
And that's understandable.



Joe said...

Preach it bro.

CnC said...

I feel like I'm preaching to the chior Joe!

lotta joy said...

Well, ya gotta understand that the Great Divider said that if he had a son, it could have been Trayvon. He's SO right.

CnC said...

Well Joy since he doesn't have a thug for a son he had to settle for having a wife who's a thug,lol

Ed Bonderenka said...

And no turn signals!