As the Allied armies boots echoed in Hitler's ears he ordered his Minister of Armaments and War Production to commit an atrocity against his own people, it was known as the Nero Decree.
It would be his last hissy fit, he wanted to deny the advancing Allied Army any resource possible, but mostly he just wanted to punish his own people for failing him and Germany.
Albert Speer deliberately failed to execute Hitler's order and by the time Hitler found out it was too late and der Fuehrer took the cowards way out.
Hitler certainly did not invent Scorch Earth, it has been around even before Nero Caesar supposedly fiddled while Rome burned.
But it almost always has been used as a last ditch effort to weaken an advancing army in the hopes they can later be repelled in a counter attack. Joseph Stalin used it to great effect against the advancing German army as the Germans were Goose-stepping there way towards Moscow.
It's hard to fathom a leader of a country tearing apart his own nation. How do you understand or explain it? Is it madness, ego, or just plain evil personified? Maybe some combination of those three?
Now calling someone a Nazi or labeling them a Hitler usually is the lame tactic used by the leftists to attack a conservative trying to hold on to some tiny bit of sanity in this country.
So I'm not trying to draw some comparison between what Nero or Hitler did to their own people to what Obama has done and is doing to his own people.
But, a man who grew up surrounded and indoctrinated by radical leftists, Alinsky disciples, communists, socialists, domestic terrorists, Obama is fulfilling a life long fantasy of giving America its comeuppance as the left sees it.
What else would explain implementing policies that will weaken and do irreparable harm to America?
I'm not just referring to this latest shitting on the Constitution, it has been a pattern of divisive governing, irresponsible politicking and abuse of power. It is not just incompetence, it is purposeful, it is intentional, it is malicious, it is malevolent.
You may wonder why would anyone "shit in his own mess kit?".
Rest assured Obama and his band of misfits will be insulated from mess they make. Just like the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm.
"All animals are equal, but some more equal that others".
Like any spoiled brat who can't have it his own way, he'll make sure no one else can have it their way.
Burger King crown right Ed? Lol
How'd you 'shop that frown?
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