Thursday, October 2, 2014


Heading down south this weekend. Leaving my leaving my little redneck paradise here in Nashville Indiana to hang with family down to the big Nashville in one of my favorite states Tennessee.
I thought I might leave a bit early and do some recon for my first winter migration after Christmas.
I usually make the drive to Florida in one day. No way I want to do that hauling my home and two vehicles. I plan on taking my time and enjoying my migratory flight knowing when my ass gets tired all I have to do is find a safe rest or truck stop, pull over, climb out of my truck and getting in the camper for a comfortable snooze. I will have as my roomie my Honda Shadow to keep me company.  I can't think of better lodging. Thanks to my baby sis, the real estate mogul Rita, my rental house is sold and will be but a distant memory. I will miss the park where I now reside, but am assured that I will be welcomed back next spring. I will miss my little lake getaway a mere15 minutes from here but I know it will welcome me back next spring as well.

At the risk of throwing my rotator cuff out from patting myself on the back I feel like I have proven myself to the good folk that run this incredible park. It's been a balancing act of not trying to ruffle feathers at he same time trying to show off my mad skills of doing a lot with a little.
It feels really great to be appreciated, something that was sorely lacking at the mega company I retired from. And it feels great to have my tools here and to be able to build things and repair things as needed.

I didn't start this post off as an ego boosting self promoting ponderous prose. It just kinda took on a life of its own. I guess I just can't help but be greatful for the bizarre turn of events my life took in the last few years that brought me to the summit of the highest point of my life.
I now reside at the highest point in southern Indiana, some 1058 feet above sea level.
How I got here was serendipity on acid. If I sound like I'm bragging I have nothing to brag about. It's just one on those "shit happens" things. The only thing I will take credit for is being so damn stubborn that when the shit happens and some big foot stomps on my anthill, I piss and moan about it for about a day then get back to the work and start the process of rebuilding my meager anthill once again.
It's a tremendous help having a family that backs you up on this mission and I have one of the very best!

Well ok, I guess I'm done here, two beers and a Long Island ice tea have taken their toll and I have rambled on long enough. Don't know why I wrote what I just wrote and I won't even go through the anal retentive attempt of proof reading I usually attempt.
Guess I just got the warm fuzzies and am in a very good place right now.
Even the horrific news headlines can bring me down at this moment.
Like Ebola knocking at our door, or ISIS or ISIL, or the stock market going to shit, of they forgot to bring our girls back #, or the president using the Constitiution as toilet paper, or the cost of fuel to haul my camper down to Florida, or ............????

Wait,what the hell was I grinning about a second ago?

1 comment:

Ed Bonderenka said...

Sometimes you just gotta list off your blessings to show gratitude and share the good buzz, huh?