Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Hey Saddam you heard who's coming in today? No, who?
Kaddafi ! Are you screwin with me again Usama? No dude, for reals, he's on his way down. Quick turn on MSMBC check out the replay. Look there he is surrounded by a bunch of loonies getting his ass handed to him. Wow, look like he's crying and begging for his life!  Look Saddam, they capped his ass with his own gold pistol. Oh man that's cold.
Hey he's at the door, buzz him in.
Naa let's mess with him first, give him the old Cheech and Chong routine.
Who is it?
Muammar's not here.
No this is Muammar!
Yes damn it, it's Muammar let me in!
Muammar's not here!
Saddam is that you, you jackass? Let me in, I'm not playin, I got one badass headache.
Bahahaha ok you big cry baby, I'll buzz you in.
Come on in were just messin with you..... Oh dude! You look even worse in person than on YouTube.
They put me on YouTube? Yep! How many hits have I got so far? Well including the hits you took from the rebels I'd say about 10 mil, Bahahahah! Real funny Usama, your a regular wise ass you know that? Sorry dude but you pitched that one under-handed to me, I had to swing on it har har.
Man your head looks bad Muammar, you want an ice pack? My head? Apparently you haven’t looked in a mirror lately have you Usama? And hey, nice necktie Saddam.
At least I went down fighting.
Bahhahaha yeah right, you were fighting all right, fighting back tears! Me and Usama saw you on MSNBC crying like a little bitch!
Hey you got a lot of room to talk Saddam, I saw them pull you outta your little bunker lookin like ZZ Top
and you Osama, nice move trying to use your old lady as a human shield!
Ok ok, cool your jets dude, me and Saddam we're just breaking your balls.
Ok it's all good, so fill me in on the accommodations here, how's the action around here? When do I get my 72 virgins?  Uhh ..... virgins? I'm afraid I have some bad news Muammar. There was a little miscommunication concerning that. It was all bullshit, the mullahs made it all up, you know, a morale booster for the suicide bombers.
Damn!, well what's the deal with this place? I thought Heaven would be a lot nicer, this place looks like hell.
Yeah uh Muammar we need to talk about that, you better sit down for this one.


Timothy Frazier said...

That is sooo wrong....and hilarious!

Good one!

CnC said...
