Disclaimer: Bobby is sleeping and not looking at that beach babe |
That's what some call the state of Florida due to the number of old people who move to Florida after they retire and spend the remainder of life here on Earth. Me and Bob (hubby of Ordinary Life's Rita), have been hanging out at Fort Myers beach all week and with the shocking Supreme Courts decision on socialized medicine I have been trying to envision what an Obama America would be like. Specifically his government run healthcare.
Much as been made of Sarah Palin's reference to "Death Panels" that will be needed to make decisions regarding who will be deemed worthy to receive treatment in a medical rationed system. The left mocked her relentlessly for using that term but deep down in that dark little cubby hole of their brain they, we all know such decision makers will be needed. The term "Death Panel" is such an ugly phrase. I think something like say, "End Of Life Engineers", has a nice little ring to it. It's a marketing thing you see, kind of like like calling the dismemberment of pre-born babies, "Reproductive Rights". As I whiled away the hours looking at the surf and the sand and all the other old geezers, I had a moment of clarity. An old 70's movie Logan's Run, came to mind.
The basic premise was a futuristic society that didn't allow the population to get old and sick.
When you reached the age of 30 you had to go to "Carousel" and hope for "renewal". In the carousel room the ceiling would rotate and the 30 year olds would float up in the air and one by one their bodies would get zapped and disappear. The hope was if you had faith in the system, your essence would be renewed in a new birth. Of course no one knew if A carouselee made renewal or not. The protagonist of the film was Logan 6, a "Sandman" whose job was to chase down "runners". A runner was someone approaching 30 who did not have faith in the system and in lieu of going for renewal decided to make a run for it. Runners were hunted down by the Sandman and terminated with extreme prejudice. With that plot summery in mind here is my idea of Obama's brave new world.
Florida is annexed by Obamacare and renamed "Carousel". When a person reaches the age of 50, instead of getting all that AARP bullshit in the mail, the End of Life Engineers send you a one way airline ticket to the state of Carousel where you spend your remaining days playing golf and shuffleboard and searching for the best early bird special. But no hip replacements, no Walmart 90 day prescription clubs, no arthritis pain relief formulas, no healthcare.
And if you feel the need to holler "I've fallen and can't get up!" don't reach for your Life Alert, your ass is stayin down.
In the movie Logan's Run the government was able to lead the people to Carousel like sheep to the slaughter house with the promise that if they just had faith in the system they could hope for Renewal. Logan 6 found out that no one had ever made Renewal, it was all a big hoax just to get people to get out of the way and end up in certain death so as not to overburden the system. In Obama's horror flick, he will lead all the old geezers to the state of Carousel (formally Florida) with the ever allusive possibility that if you just have enough faith in the system, if you just go along with the program, you just may luck out and scrape up a few crumbs of Obamacare.
Yeah, good luck with your Renewal efforts and good luck with that Hoax And Chains.
One advantage for obamas Sandmen, they won't have any trouble rounding up any Runners down here. It will just be a matter of catching up to them as they try to make their getaway on their Hoverounds.